
Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 30th Jan 2023


This Privacy Policy outlines the information we collect, how we use it, and the choices you have in connection with our Android application. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information.


1. Information We Collect


     To enhance your experience, Groovee requests access to your Camera and Photos for features such as uploading your Profile Picture and adding images to your Cart. We assure you that we only use these permissions for the intended purposes, and your images are handled with the utmost care. We do not store or share your images without your explicit consent.

Precise Location:

    For precise delivery and to provide you with nearby store/restaurant suggestions, Groovee requires access to your location. Enabling location permission ensures accurate delivery and a personalized experience. Your location information is used solely for these purposes and is not shared with third parties.


    To keep you informed about live order updates and exciting offers, Groovee requests permission for Notifications. Enabling this permission allows us to send you timely and relevant information. We respect your preferences, and you can manage your notification settings within the app.

Background Location:

    For the best user experience and accurate order tracking, Groovee Driver/Rider/Delivery Boy app requires constant access to your location in the background. This enables real-time order tracking and ensures a seamless experience. Rest assured that this information is used exclusively for these purposes and is not shared with external parties.

Users Information

    We collect User's Name, Phone Number & Email Address, Mailing Address for Creating Account and it will be required for Functionality of Application.

Information We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection

    We collect device information including operating systems, platforms, unique identifiers, device models, device tokens, and device timezones.

2. Security Measures

    We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Your data is stored securely, and we continuously update our security protocols to safeguard your privacy.

3. Consent

    By using the Groovee application, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any aspect of this policy, please refrain from using the app.

4. Delete Account or Data:

    Within the Groovee application, you have the option to delete your account or data directly. Additionally, if you prefer, you can request data deletion by contacting our admin through the designated 'Contact Us' channel.

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically for any changes. Your continued use of the app after the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

6. How we use the information we collect

    We use the information we collect from and about you for a variety of purposes, including to:

    Process and respond to your queries

        ●  Understand our users (what they do on our Services, what features they like, how they use them, etc.), improve the content and features of our Services (such as by personalizing content to your interests), process and complete your transactions, and make special offers.

        ●  Administer our Services and diagnose technical problems.

        ●  Generate and review reports and data about, and to conduct research on, our user base and Service usage patterns.

        ●  Provide you with customer support.

        ●  Provide you with policies about your account.

        ●  Carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection.

        ●  Notify you about changes to our Services.

        ●  Allow you to participate in interactive features offered through our Services.

        ●  In any other way we may describe when you provide the information.

        ●  For any other purpose with your consent.

7. Contact Us

     If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at


Thank you for choosing Groovee. We appreciate your trust in us and are committed to protecting your privacy.


This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how Groovee (“Groovee”, “we”) collect, use and disclose your personal information.

This Policy applies to personal information relating to:

  • Individuals who are registered users of, or subscribers to, our Groovee App (the “Users”);
  • Individuals who are not Users but who:
    • Receive gifts of products, goods, and/or other items (including, without limitation, a one-time order, gift subscriptions, meal plan orders or similar orders, and gift cards) (the “Gifts”) from or through our Groovee App,
    • Receive communications about our Groovee Services (as defined below) as a result of referrals from Users (the “Communications”), or
    • Visit our websites, social media pages and/or who communicate with us, (collectively “Non-Users”);
  • Individuals who own stores that benefit from the Groovee Services by listing their products on the Groovee Platform to avail themselves of the Groovee Services and receive and process orders from the Users (the “Merchants”);
  • Individuals who are independent contractors who, personally, or through their company, perform services in support of Groovee’ corporate and/or administrative activities and who are acting in such capacity (the “Service Providers”);
  • Individuals who, who, personally, or through their company, enter into supply contracts with Groovee (the “Suppliers”);
  • Employees and anyone interested in applying to work with us (the “Employees”);
  • Individuals or entities holding shares in Groovee (the “Shareholders”); and
  • Individuals that are appointed or elected to oversee the management of Groovee, and are members of any of the Groovee entities’ board of directors (the “Directors”).

This Policy is drafted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

If you fit in any of the categories of a User, Non-User, Merchant, Service Provider, Supplier, Employee, Shareholder or Director, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this Policy or any modified version thereof as per the following terms.


Additional Privacy Policies:

I- Definitions

Groovee Account. Your account on the Groovee App for the User, on the Groovee Merchant Application for the Merchant Groovee App. A mobile and web application of Groovee which allows the Users to view Merchants and their products listings and place orders.

Groovee Merchant Application. A mobile and web application of Groovee which allows the Merchant to receive / view Users’ orders coming through the Groovee App, and request DaaS services (as particularized in the below definition of Groovee Services).

Groovee Platform. A software platform developed and operated by Groovee that lists Merchants, presents them to the Users through the Groovee App, and allows the Users to place orders. 

Groovee Services. The services provided by Groovee through the Groovee Platform including mobile-e-commerce-as-a-service (MaaS)

You. Any of the User, Non-User, Merchant, Service Provider, Supplier, Employee, Shareholder or Director.

II- Type of information we collect about you and how we use it

A- Users

1- Which personal information we collect  

By accessing and using our Groovee App, we shall collect personal information about you and you agree to the collection, use, storage and transfer of your information by us under the terms of this Policy.

The type of personal information we may collect from you in this context, may include:

  • Full name,
  • Email address,
  • Country of residence,
  • Birth date,
  • Phone number,
  • Username and password of your Groovee Account,
  •  If you permit Groovee to access location services through the permission system used by your mobile operating system or browser, we may also collect and store the precise location of your device when our Groovee App is running in the foreground or background of your device,
  • Payment information (bank name, payment method, or other financial information),
  • Information related to the order placed by you on Groovee App (items purchased, special instructions, date and time of order, subtotal, photos that you provide to Groovee, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies),
  • Identification documentation (drivers’ license, identification card, passport, etc.) in certain limited scenarios (to verify identity and age when serving an age-restricted product, good, and/or other item), and
  • Technical information about the hardware and software used by you (the IP address of your device, information about the browser, operating system and/or application you are using, unique device identifiers, pages that you navigate to, links that you click, searches that you run on Groovee App, and other ways you interact with the Groovee Services).

You may also access or use Groovee App via various online services, including social networking services like Facebook and Google. In this case, we may collect relevant personal information to enable our Groovee Platform to access that social network and your information contained within that social network. Any sharing of personal information from or by your social network to us is subject to the applicable privacy policy for, and the applicable privacy notices from, the social network and, as applicable, any consent or approval that you have provided to the social network.

2- Why we use your personal information

We use the personal information we collect about you as follows:

  • Provide the Groovee Services. For example:
    • Use credit card information to complete a transaction on Groovee App,
    • You can choose whether to enable the location tracking feature through the settings on your device or when prompted by our mobile apps as mentioned in Article II (A-1) of this Policy. If you choose to disable the location feature, this may impact some of your use of our Groovee Services. Offer you customized content, such as prominently displaying items you purchase frequently,
  • Understand how Users interact with Groovee Services as a whole in order to test new features and improve Groovee for everyone,
  • Provide customer service, communicate with you through Groovee App, send you notifications about the status of your orders, promotional offerings, etc.

On the contrary, and in case you refuse to provide us with your personal information, we consequently will not be able to provide you with the above.

B- Non-Users

1- Which personal information we collect 

When you communicate with us or contact us, receive Gifts and/ or Communications through another User on Groovee App (where the User shall be solely responsible for ensuring that the consent or approval of the Non-User for both the User and Groovee to process the Non-User’s personal information, including, without limitation, for the sending of communications to the Non-User and by submitting the Non-User’s personal information to us, the User is certifying that such consent or approval has been received or obtained), we may automatically collect and store certain personal information about you and the activity you engaged in:  

  • Your name and contact information,
  • Social networking contact details,
  • Information that you voluntarily provide to us,
  • Your address (when applicable, for the receipt of the Gift), and
  • The nature and content of your communication and the action we took in response to your inquiry or request (when applicable).

2- Why we use your personal information

We use the personal information we collect about you as follows:

  •  Provide customer service and take action in response to your communication, or
  • Deliver the Gift to you.


C- Merchants, Service Providers and Suppliers

1- Which personal information we collect 

When you engage with Groovee as a Merchant, Service Provider, or Supplier, we may automatically collect and store certain personal information about you and the activity you engaged in:

  • Full name,
  • Email address,
  • Birth date,
  •  Phone number,
  • Country of residence, domicile and nationality information,
  • Username and password of your Groovee Account (when applicable for the Merchant),
  •  Identification documentation (drivers’ license, identification card, passport, photo, etc.),
  • Precise geolocation.

2- Why we use your personal information

We use the personal information we collect about you as follows:

Onboarding you as a Merchant, Service Provider, or Supplier, such as conducting certain checks, administering your relationship with Groovee, and creating your Groovee Account (when applicable, for the Merchant),

  • Administering payments to you,
  • Operating and administering the Groovee Services,

D-  Employees 

1- Which personal information we collect 

When you work or are interested in applying to work with us, we may collect and store certain personal information about you and the activity you engaged in:

  •  Full name,
  • Email address,
  • Your current and up to date CV,
  • Birth date,
  •  Phone number (and emergency contact phone number),
  • Country of residence, domicile and nationality information,
  • Work permit and visa applications,
  • Bank account details,
  •  Identification documentation (drivers’ license, identification card, passport, photo, etc.).

2- Why we use your personal information

We use the personal information we collect about you as follows:

  •  To arrange an interview or make you an offer of employment,
  • To communicate with you about the recruitment process,
  • To assess your skills, qualifications and suitability for the role and/or to assess your work;
  • To generate contractual agreements and other legal documents to support your engagement,
  • To contact next of kin in an emergency,
  • To monitor and record your performance during agreed periods of service with us,
  • To record training undertaken,
  • To record and monitor any work place accidents,
  • To prepare your residency paperwork in case of need,
  • To pay your salary.


E- Shareholders

1- Which personal information we collect

When you own shares in any Groovee entity, we may collect and store certain personal information about you:

  • Full name,
  • Contact details (address, service address, email address, phone number),
  • Current and up to date CV,
  • Country of residence (proof of residency, residence visa), country of tax residence, domicile and nationality information,